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Comprehensive Dental Restoration for Mrs. Dzagan

Discover how we address complex dental issues to restore radiant smiles. Success case with Mrs. Dzagan from New Mexico.

Case Summary

In this remarkable case, we addressed the dental challenges of Mrs. Kay Dzagan, a 77-year-old patient from New Mexico. Through a comprehensive approach and cutting-edge technology, we achieved a remarkable transformation from bruxism and dental wear issues to the implementation of implants and crowns. This case underscores how individualized care supported by advanced technology can provide lasting solutions and improve patients’ quality of life.

Initial Challenges and Symptoms

Mrs. Kay Dzagan, aged 77, arrived at our clinic with dental issues affecting her daily life. She was experiencing pain in a molar, and following a precise diagnosis, we identified bruxism as the primary problem.

Immediate endodontic treatment was performed to address the acute issue. However, discomfort arose in two additional teeth, indicating the need for a more comprehensive approach. The patient required a comprehensive treatment to address bruxism and generalized dental wear.

Severe dental wear demanded a holistic solution that included extractions, dental implants, and the placement of dental crowns on all affected teeth.

Treatment Plan

The evolution of Mrs. Kay Dzagan’s treatment at International X Dental was meticulously planned from the first consultation.

  • Initial Phase. First Visit:

We began with the endodontic treatment on the affected molar and took detailed impressions to assess her complete dental health. We worked on articulated models and a diagnostic wax-up for precise planning.

  • Intermediate Phase. Second Visit:

With discomfort in other teeth, we designed a comprehensive plan encompassing necessary extractions, implants, and crowns. Measurements were taken, and a detailed budget was provided. The patient departed with temporary teeth, initiating the transformation process.

  • Full Treatment Phase. Third Visit (1 week):
    • Monday: Precise dental impressions taken.
    • Tuesday: Ten endodontic procedures were performed to address dental wear.
    • Wednesday: Intraoral scanner utilized to capture mouth shape and bite. Data was sent to the lab for crafting custom crowns. Temporary teeth are provided for comfort.
    • Thursday: Patient’s rest day. The patient took the opportunity to explore the city’s culinary offerings.
    • Friday: Precise placement of dental crowns, a crucial stage. Follow-ups were scheduled for the coming months to ensure optimal results.

Applied Technology

We employed advanced technologies to ensure treatment quality:

  • Intraoral Scanner: Essential for diagnosis, planning, and precise crown creation.
  • Milling Machines: Crucial tools in the accurate fabrication of crowns.
  • Advanced X-ray Tomograph: Contributed detailed images for diagnosis and planning.

Overcoming Challenges

Our comprehensive approach and advanced technology overcame notable challenges:

  • Treatment Efficiency: We achieved efficiency without compromising quality.
  • Patient Fatigue: Despite the time involved in treatment, we prioritized the patient’s comfort throughout the process.
  • Emotional Well-being: We empathetically addressed any emotional fatigue the patient might have experienced.

Additional Benefits

In addition to treatment, we provided transportation, dining, and accommodations recommendations, ensuring ongoing support for Mrs. Kay.

Relevant Context

It’s important to note that Mrs. Kay had previous unsatisfactory and costly experiences with crowns in the United States. Our distinction was based on an authentic and affordable approach. We strive for our patients to receive the best treatments at a fair price.

Restoring Smiles and Lives

This case exemplifies how a comprehensive approach supported by advanced technology successfully addressed Mrs. Kay Dzagan’s dental issues. We restored her smile, functionality, and quality of life, showcasing International X Dental’s commitment to individualized care and outstanding results.

If you face similar challenges, remember that practical solutions exist, and dedicated teams are committed to providing the best dental care. Your oral health and well-being are within reach. Please get in touch with us if you’d like more information about this successful case or explore personalized treatment options. Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and provide the care you deserve.

Take the first step toward a renewed smile by scheduling a consultation with us. Discover how we can help you achieve optimal oral health and a radiant smile.