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Benefits of zirconia bridges

health, esthetics, and self-esteem

Using zirconia bridges is one of the best acts to rescue your smile and oral health. These provide numerous benefits, even more than other ceramic dental implants, such as:

Zirconia bridges

The definitive solution for your smile

Zirconia bridges are the solution for those who feel unable to smile in the presence of other people. If this is your situation, we invite you to overcome such an uncomfortable reality that limits your happiness. Fortunately, we specialize in this area at International X Dental Clinic, so you have come to the right place.

You need to know that we have excellent professionals, materials, and equipment to make your dental prostheses personalized, functional, and safe. So, we can help you recover your chewing abilities and esthetic appearance through safe and effective procedures to show off a movie smile.

You will find the best zirconia denture dentist in our spaces for your particular case. You should only request assistance regarding the replacement fabricated for one or several missing teeth.

Unbeatable prices and quality that exceed your expectations.

State-of-the-art tools in zirconia bridges

At International X Dental Clinic, we use the latest technology to make your zirconia bridges. Here, we use guided implant surgery techniques. It is a state-of-the-art, modern process that uses scanners to recreate an exact 3D model of the mouth.

It allows the dental specialist to plan his work exactly before carrying it out, thus saving time. Otherwise, it would require several prior evaluations to determine where the prosthesis would place.

Zirconia bridge process everything you need to know

Zirconia is a ceramic material with ideal mechanical properties for dental prostheses. And regarding the price of zirconia bridges, these vary according to their complexity.

Therefore, the zirconia arch implant bridge, the round bridge, and the zirconia entire arch bridge each have different prices considered low when estimating their high functionality and esthetic contributions.

As for its disadvantages, these are aimed at questioning its toughness. Some consider that its high resistance generates friction in the root and natural teeth surrounding it. However, this is easily correctable through periodic checks and revisions.

puente zirconia

Zirconia bridge recovery complete and proper care

With the zirconia bridges done, it’s time for post-operative care. In that sense, hook implants take 3 to 4 months to osseointegrate (heal into the bone). You should avoid eating tough foods such as steaks, whole wheat bread, sweet fruits, and candies during that time.

And from now on, you must take care of your teeth, including your prosthesis, using traditional oral hygiene methods. Correct brushing and the use of dental floss and mouthwash are essential acts.

Zirconia bridges The state-of-the-art technique in dentistry

Zirconia allows each dental prosthesis to be carved from a solid block. First, the dentist can make a dental impression, and then the specialist will create a digitized model of the piece. However, at International X Dental Clinic, we have modern equipment to meet this goal through the following steps:

Finally, the prostheses reach the hands of the dentist. Immediately this proceeds to its respective installation in the patient safely, as well as esthetic and fully functional.

FAQ on Zirconia Bridge

Can they break?

Exceptionally, they can break due to defects in nesting, connectors, and milling strategy.